collaborate @ C.I.R.C.E.

Davide Fant

Davide Fant

Formatore, autore

Davide Fant è formatore e pedagogista. Responsabile dell’ANNO UNICO, percorso formativo sperimentale per adolescenti che hanno abbandonato la scuola.

Agnese Trocchi

Agnese Trocchi

Formatrice, autrice

Social media strategist, artista multimediale, copywriter e storyteller.

Carlo Milani Bertocchi

Carlo Milani Bertocchi


Traduttore e factotum. Ha scritto con l'eteronimo collettivo Ippolita fino al 2018. PhD. Si occupa di tecnologie appropriate con

Jacopo Anderlini

Jacopo Anderlini


Jacopo Anderlini (PhD) is a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Parma, and he is part of the Visual Sociology Laboratory of the University of Genoa. He is Visiting Researcher at the Berliner Institut für empirische Integrations- und Migrationsforschung (BIM), Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. He investigates the transformations of the government of mobility, its infrastructures and logistics, at the southern borders of Europe.



VJ, educator

Nikky is a fictional character and multi disciplinary artist working with performance video and projection, using her body as a medium of transformation. She has been developing since 20 years her unique language, combining the notion of flexible identity and role play in her various performances:

Vivien García

Vivien García

Author, philosoph

Vivien García enseignant de philosophie à la faculté de médecine de l'université de Lorraine, auteur de « Que faire de l'intelligence artificielle ? Petite histoire critique de la raison artificielle ».

Milena Maglio

Milena Maglio

Ethical counselor

Moral philosophy, bioethics and clinical ethics.

Maurizio "Graffio" Mazzoneschi

Maurizio "Graffio" Mazzoneschi

Coder, educator

Communications technology expert, programmer. Scientific consultant.

Rinaldo Mattera

Rinaldo Mattera

digital farmer

A (a)social computer scientist, he studies the transformations generated by mass digital systems and the relationship between media, politics and cyberdemocracy.

Caterina Annese

Caterina Annese


An educator, promoter and cultural agitator, she is one of the founders of the Zei cultural space in Lecce (Puglia, Italy)

Stefano Borroni Barale

Stefano Borroni Barale

Theoretical physicians

A former researcher in the EU-DataGrid project, for the National Institute of Nuclear Physics (INFN), trainer for the International Labour Organization. He teaches computer science at an ITI in the Turin area.

Alessia Bleve

Alessia Bleve

Cultural mediator

Cultural mediator and president of the Zei cultural space in Lecce.

Martino Morandi

Martino Morandi


Urban hacker, filosofo, FLOShare Developer




Bridging the digital with the physical space; building together local solutions for local needs.

Get in touch

info[at]circex[dot]org grazie ad - logo: Fabio Lapiana