What we do

We organize workshops, we write books, we give lectures.

Hacker Pedagogy

From digital self-defence to hacker pedagogy: changing our behaviours by experimenting together.


Resources, workshops, laboratories for education.


Books, papers and articles by C.I.R.C.E.'s authors.


Open Sorcery Poetry with Identity Runners

Open Sorcery Poetry with Identity Runners

Posted on 08/18/2020 11:02AM

Open Sorcery Poetry (OSP) is a multilingual battle-cry, a series of generative poems to be created with known accomplices, deep aliases and passing strangers.

Tracciare per vivere?

Tracciare per vivere?

Posted on 08/09/2020 02:29PM

app "sanitarie" di Carlo B. Milani Tracciare i contatti per il bene comune, ovvero qualche idea e qualche consiglio per muoversi nel mondo spettacolare delle applicazioni di ogni tipo. In particolare quelle per la lotta alla pandemia. pubblicato in "A rivista anarchica", anno 50 n. 445, estate 2020

Get in touch

info[at]circex[dot]org grazie ad alekos.net - logo: Fabio Lapiana